themes and concepts in

MY artworks


– 2021

The charm
of Gods and


“In the time of gods and monsters, what is the worth of a man?”

The concept of the divine and the profane has always intrigued me. Exploring the dichotomy between good and evil, delving into powers beyond human comprehension, are incredibly inspiring topics for me. Characters from Greek mythology, as well as supernatural beings, sometimes astonishing and at other times terrifying, have frequently been the subjects of my work. I am fascinated by stories that revolve around these figures – entities that are not human, yet metaphorically represent some of the deepest and most complex aspects of humanity.


– 2021

I appreciate contrasts. I enjoy the interplay between black and white, the vibrancy of colors, and the challenge of capturing my interpretation of emotions and abstract concepts visually. As an artist and graphic designer, I relish the opportunity to experiment and play with these elements. Negative spaces intrigue me, and I particularly enjoy exploring the contrast between flat, monochromatic areas and the intricate, three-dimensional aspects in my artworks.


– 2021


– 2021

I appreciate empty backgrounds, directing attention to faces, bodies, shadows, and expressions. I have a fondness for both realism and surrealism, and I enjoy combining these elements. Creating hybrids is my passion, through various techniques, colours, emotions, and sensations to craft something entirely new and uniquely mine. I relish the process of deconstructing the notion of a singular approach to making art.

"Hades And Persephone"

– 2021

The Fear of
the Beauty

Everyone experiences fears. At times, what we fear may differ from what others find intimidating. Like many individuals, one of my fears has been insects, including bees. I found this fear to be an intriguing point for analysis and a rich source of inspiration as I developed my artistic identity. It dawned on me that my fear of a creature, which not only harbors no ill will towards me but also plays a crucial role in sustaining the entire planet, is a manifestation of what can be termed ‘The Fear of Beauty.’

I began incorporating bees into my artworks as a way to honor and express gratitude to these remarkable creatures for their existence. Making bees my symbol represents an acceptance of my fears, even those associated with acknowledging something or someone that loves us. It serves as a reminder that fear can sometimes hinder us from accepting the beauty that surrounds us.


– 2021



Portraits serve as my most effective means to capture a diverse aspect of my reality on paper, while colors, for me, embody the most powerful medium for conveying emotions. I blend these elements to express facets of myself, crafting a series of portraits where each color plays a distinct role, personifying a specific aspect of my personality.

One of my favorite series of illustrations inspired by the greatest artists from the past and their masterpieces.

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